Mandaue City Plaza
Mandaue was a only a community at that time, established by the group of Austonesian people. In 1638, the Jesuits made it as a bulwark for the church in the Northern Cebu. Decades alter it was then managed by the Recollects. When the Philippine Revolution broke up, a new form of organization outlined with the organic decree of the Central Revolutionary Government was established in the town. However, that form of government ended when the American Troops and destroyed almost the whole town in 1901, killing the leader Benito Ceniza. Mandaue freed itself from the two oppressors, American and Japanese, on July 4, 1946 together with the entire Philippines. It became a chartered city June 21, 1969 and was recognized as a highly urban city on 1991. The heritage plaza of Mandaue City will be converted into a museum during the “Gabii sa Kabilin” today from 6 p.m. to midnight. Louella Cabanero, city tourism officer, said seven to eight busloads of local and foreign tourists are exp...